While Illuminated Bibles have been around for centuries, the St. John’s Bible combines both modern art and medieval techniques to create a visual meditation of the scriptures. A copy of the St. John’s Bible has been purchased by the Diocese of Hamilton and is housed in the Bishop Farrell Library and Archives at the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King in Hamilton.
Arts Connection for Monday, April 17, 2017 - Christina Ronzio - St. John's Illuminated Bible
Arts Connection for Monday, April 10, 2017 - Justin Sytsma- 4th annual Art of the Cross event
Lakeside Downtown’s Art of the Cross event has become a Good Friday tradition in Guelph. This year the church will hold its fourth annual event where artists interpret the various Stations of the Cross. Each year, since 2014, hundreds of people have walked through the church to observe and reflect on the art being created.
Arts Connection for Monday, March 27 - Rebekah Smick - "Opening Frames" conference
IMAGO, the Institute for Christian Studies, Ryerson University and TIFF, the Toronto International Film Festival, have teamed up to sponsor and present Opening Frames: Cinema and Transcendence, a two-day conference which hopes to “open a conversation on the film and transcendent/religious/spiritual” by probing the space between the sacred and the secular.
Arts Connection for Monday, March 6, 2017 - Richard Quesnel - Lost & Found Theatre's production: "Doubt, A Parable"
Kitchener’s Lost & Found Theatre's (http://www.lostandfoundtheatre.ca/) upcoming production raises a timely question: “what do we value: truth or certainty?” Tonight’s guest, Richard Quesnel, has taken on the challenge of exploring this question as the director of Doubt: A Parable.