Arts Connection for January 24, 2013 - Jennifer Jade Kerr - New CD, BreakfForth conference

Tonight’s guest grew up in a small Saskatchewan farming town. The surprise gift of a guitar when she was 17 set her on her way to bringing the songs she’d been writing for the five previous years to life. With a second CD under her belt Jennifer Jade Kerr ( sings about personal challenges and her own struggles. She’s on the phone from her home in Kelowna, B.C.

Interview date: 
January 24, 2013 - 22:00

Arts Connection for January 17, 2013 - Karen Stiller - The David Festival

Five years ago a group in Port Perry wanted to create a festival that encouraged, enabled and equipped churches in the Scugog area to glorify God through music and the arts. The David Festival ( has since has expanded each year in both the workshops it presents and the numbers of people coming from outside the Scugog area. Karen Stiller, a writer and Port Perry resident is on the phone with talks with us about the David Festival.

Interview date: 
January 17, 2013 - 22:00

Arts Connection for January 10, 2013 - Beth McLean Wiest - Harmony Through Harmony

Tonight’s guest grew up in a household where Ron Sider’s groundbreaking book Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger influenced how the family lived out it’s faith. But it wasn’t until Beth McLean Wiest, who was the director of a secular choral group at the time, was challenged to really live out her faith while watching other secular businesspeople doing more than her.

Interview date: 
January 10, 2013 - 22:00

Arts Connection for January 3, 2013 - Kevin Miller - "Hellbound?" showing in Waterloo

Does Hell exist? Kevin Miller was part of a production team for a documentary that explores this very question. Along with an eclectic group of authors, theologians, pastors and social commentators, the Abbotsford, B.C. scriptwriter produced Hellbound? which, the website ( says, will make sure you never look at hell the same way again.

Interview date: 
January 3, 2013 - 22:00

Arts Connection for December 27, 2012 - Phil Irish - "Makeshift" exhibit

This year, visual artist Phil Irish ( completed his Masters of Fine Arts degree, hosted the inaugural exhibit of his thesis work at Coopers Fine Art in Toronto and is ending the year with another showing of Makeshift—only this time a little closer to home. The exhibit, which received a positive review from The Record this past weekend  will be on display at the Cambridge Gallery in Preston until January 6.

Interview date: 
December 27, 2012 - 22:00
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