The majestic Hotel Macdonald has been a much-loved Alberta landmark for more than 80 years. Happily located in downtown Edmonton overlooking the North Saskatchewan River, The Mac - as she is affectionately called - is a significant reminder of this Canadian city's history and heritage. The charm and classic elegance of the hotel have made her the centre of Edmonton's social life and a popular destination for travellers throughout this century. Built in 1915, the Hotel Macdonald has seen many renovations, outlasted her modern, box-like addition, and survived one major period of neglect to emerge once more grand and magnificent, thoroughly restored to her original beauty.
Share with us in the extraordinary story of her life - her moments of glory and her darkest days - and discover the heart that beats 'neath limestone walls.
White, Robert 1960-
The Mac
ISBN 0-88967-070-6
I. Hotel Macdonald (Edmonton, Alta)--History
I. Baxter,Sarah, 1973- II.Shute, Allan, 1945- III. Title.
TX941.H6W54 1995 647.947123'3401 C95-910667-7
F1079.5.E3W54 1995
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