Robert White continues to freelance on a regular basis. Here are links to his recent articles.
"Church turns to kickboxing"
(Page 10)
"First Nations Bible translation effort grows"
(Page 11)
- Kingdom Matters items in the September/October 2015 issue of Faith Today:
"A band together: The City Harmonic in the July/August 2015 issue of Seven magazine: pages 20 to 23
A Matter of Faith column - "Are the Beatles more popular than Jesus?" for the Saturday, August 10 edition of the Guelph Mercury:
"Solar first for Nipiwan" in the July/August 2015 edition of Faith Today:
"Standing strong and living Fearless: Fearless conference ends with powerful experiences" and "Sketching out a plan for discipleship: Blueprint provides framework for effective men's ministries" in Promise Keepers Canada 2014-2015 Annual Report: